My machine hasn't been used for about 5 years. I thought if nobody had a reason why it wouldn't work, then I would ask the Surge dealer if he would try adjusting it for me. Tinkering like that is beyond my comfort zone, and I need to get some oil and new leathers, etc. anyway. When I bought it about 23 years ago, it was running a 4 bucket pipeline, and the Surge dealer converted it to just hook to one bucket for me to milk goats. He said he bought a box of manuals from a Surge dealer who retired and he has a manual for my machine. I think it is from the is a big
cast iron vacuum pump. I haven't looked
online recently, but I couldn't find it before. I figure if it could create
enough vacuum to milk 4 cows at the same time, then maybe it could become a chamber vacuum sealer.