"you're planting out wayyyyy too late. The plants are so large its no wonder they're wilting. I transplant my squash etc when they're 3" tall, if I use transplants at all for curcubits."
Well, my blog wording obviously needs some improvement.
The whole point I was trying to make is that you can plant way too late and so large and still totally prevent all transplant shock and wilting. Even if you transplant these large curcubits in the middle of a sunny hot day.
This spring, as usual I direct seeded my curcubits. But I was just doing some trials with soil block transplants, to see if I could use them for shock free transplanting.
Eventually I stumbled on this only burying the bottom half of a transplants soil to prevent wilt.
So far I transplanted 5 cucumbers with this method and not one has wilted, 5 for 5. The pictures of wilting ones were for comparison purposes to show that burying the entire soil block cuts out the air flow, which causes the wilt.
For a
gardening geek like me, it's pretty exciting. Now I can probably get a 3-4 week head start on next year's summer garden.
Currently I'm doing some more trials to use this method directly on store bought transplants in a peat mix and without using a net pot.
So far it's working, but the weather has been mild.
Will post pictures of this next week.