Is anybody else having a recurring problem playing the podcasts directly from the podcast main page?
Right above the link where you can download each podcast, it gives you the option to just play the audio file streaming live. I have listened to 180some of Paul's podcasts in this way through my computer speakers. But for the last several - #183, 184, 185 - over the last week or so, I have consistently encountered the problem that every 5 to 10 minutes as the audio file is playing, the page loses the audio stream and stops playing it. The page does not crash, it merely stops playing the podcast and will not restart. The only solution when this happens is to refresh the page and then re-locate the spot in the podcast near where it had been playing when the
feed cut out, using the slider bar. And then you can listen for 5 to 10 minutes... and then it cuts out again. I have only been able to listen to each of the last several podcasts by refreshing the page a dozen or more times in the
course of a 60-minute podcast. It is becoming quite frustrating. My internet has given me problems occasionally in the past, but that cannot be the issue here. No other web page is suddenly displaying such symptoms; only
Any suggestions?
~ Matthew N., southern transplant