I have a brambles that I want to get identified. I have only recently started foraging for these sorts of things. Also planning on some Rubus breeding in the future - I believe that I have maybe 3 - 4species in the wooded area nearby - possibly hybrids as well. I can't post any berries yet because nothing has really developed.
I live in Pennsylvania if anyone is wondering. I know for sure that one species that is growing in the woods is Rubus occidentalis due to the berries, purple / white canes.
The other types are all blackberries - easy to tell from the flowers, one type is sort of creeping - maybe R. ursinus ?
Another has large canes - only growing in the clearing of the woods. Maybe R. allegheniensis or R. pensilvanicus
The final type has huge leaves, only recently appeared here. Only one plant has flowered this year. Lot of buds dropped before the flowers came out on that plant. Most of these plants seem to sprawl rather than grow upwards. Odd to see combined with the large leaves. Generally a large leaved plant would prefer full sun - all of the plants in this group are quite variable. This makes me think that they could be a group of hybrids.
My main reasoning for wanting to know the species is for breeding - finding out species and their general ploidy count would
be nice. I have some feral strawberries in the woods as well - nice area to forage berries.
I will post the the creeping-crawling plant first. If nobody knows for certain what it is, I can wait for fruit to appear.
There is a strawberry seedling with about three leaves at the base of this plant. I would rip it out, I don't want to disturb the flowering plant though.
The images of the flowering one are different than the leaf / stem images. The petals fell off other plant when I was messing with it. The leaves look different on these plants. A strawberry hybrid would be interesting, but unlikely. Would probably be sterile anyway.