So I haven't fed my starter in a while. Like maybe 2 months. It was in the fridge, I have brought it back from the dead before after similar neglect, but this time it doesn't seem to want to come back. I have been feeding it twice a day and leaving it out on the counter (it's winter here, house is probably around 70-75F down to 55). It smells perfect, when I cook the discard in
pancakes it tastes right, and it is bubbling, but it is not RISING. I put the rubber band on and don't see any elevation. No biggie? Time to start a new starter? This one is at least 3 years old and has been a superstar, til I went away and it got all resentful.
(sourdough uses white flour. I keep it in a quart jar and do about half a cup of flour at a time, when it's hot it lives in the fridge and I keep it very thick; during these recovery efforts I'm adding more
water than usual)