I have a weird mix of thoughts left over from yesterday's work.
Data points:
Johnson grass has invasive spreading rhizomes, that break easily when pulled, especially in hard ground, leaving parts that keep sprouting.
Japanese beetles tend to pick plants based on pheromones. and their grubs end up in the ground below that area.
Pheromone based traps are available and seem to do well for attracting them.
Moles love the grubs and eat them and loosen the soil.
So. To me, that adds up to putting pheromones on the Johnson grass, so the area will be full of grubs, that will get the moles to loosen the soil so I can remove the
roots easily and kill off the dad-ratted Johnson grass.
Anyone see holes in this plan? The beetles are amok, the grass is amok, seems like there oughta be a way to get the beetles to kill the grass :) And I have lots of moles happy to help!