Thank you both Tyler and Owen for taking interest in our ongoing
project. Tyler, I like your idea of starting at the top or elsewhere and clearing a bit and converting a place to hugle mounds/beds. Tucked up tight the remaining oak and juniper can provide a wind break. Much needed here.
Owen, we have 20 acres and want to over time develop it into some orchard (modest 50-75 trees),some spotty pasture (2 cows in a padlock shift). I say spotty because of the lay of the land. The parcel is long and has 80 feet drop from top to bottom. I could never be classic pasture. It also has a seasonal stream. This year it did not run at all. We intend to have pigs. Already have
chickens and turkeys. We do not yet padlock shift them. A house comes first. I might mention we are off grid and anticipate a well by next spring (fingers crossed) till then its trucking in water and harvesting run off. 11.5 in Avg a year. To say we need to capture water is an understatement.
What ever we do we have a tight budget (dont we all?). So broad scale, rent giant excavtor for two weeks (I operate one) land forming is not real likely. We do have a CAT 257B on site permanently. It's small for most stuff here but a real blessing to have at all. Gota love hydraulics! It can aid in hugle construction and much more though.
Thanks again guys. Here is a pic of the place to give ya an idea of the type of landscape we have.
Jim in Tehachapi
CA, Southern Sierras, alt. 4550 feet, zone 9ish. (still figuring it out), 3 mo. grow season. Regular wind to 20 mph. SANDY soil with scrub oak,pine,and juniper. 2 seasonal creeks.