I've been using chipped branches and twigs as part of my mulch for ten years now. Between each crop the mulch gets lightly tilled in and fresh mulch is applied as needed to the next crop. Part of my reasons for doing this is to build soil. My soil was a very thin layer atop lava rock. When I started I had an average of 2" soil. It now averages 8"-10" in the main garden.
It has been a gradual ongoing
project. I didn't try to do a quick fix because of the lack of input materials and lack of time. I do the labor all myself. So the wood/twig material was added gradually with light tilling frequently during the year.
Wood/twig material isn't my only mulch or input material. It is just part of the whole picture. But as I cleared some of my wooded area to make pasture, the branches were there, so I utilized them. I used all tree species, including conifers. Mother Nature uses them all, so I followed her example.
I have no
experience with your type of soil, nor with trying to work with that much ground at one time. While I have 20 acres on the homestead, I only use about two acres for food production at this time. I'm gradually expanding the food production area, adding amendments and derocking as I go.