Amy Gardener wrote:One thing I know is that you can’t change other people. If your sis’ likes to water and she likes to nibble on things that she grows, work with her areas of interest. She would probably love a little edible bog garden. Put a pond liner in that rectangle, fill it with the coir that she buys, then add some watercress, water celery, wasabi, bog blueberry, and cattails. The wind will blow topsoil, leaves, and seeds into that pond. Over time she’ll have some plants that sprout, rot and create nutrition for the survivors. You and your sis’ will learn a lot about each other and the plants, frogs, birds and other visitors to your garden bog.
The space is 0.3m by 1.4m, max soil depth is 1.2m.
I was more thinking along micro greens, a pond is not really an option in Sydney apartments.
I was thinking a couple of bi-annual nitrogen fixers with beauty, so some harden bergia on a
trellis, coupled with, some herbs,
alliums, and some brassicas,
chives, mustard, basil. parsley.
A worm tower in the planter, and the planter being a wicking system, connected to the balcony weep hole.
Bell siphon,
my sister lives 2 hours away from me, longer if Sydney traffic.