My partner and I are around 30 and are looking to settle down, with plans of having one or two children in the next 5 years or so. It has been difficult to find a place that fits our ideal balance of community / woods / proximity to family near a large urban center. Thankfully, we've connected with an
intentional community that looks like a great fit for us in most ways - location, governance, goals.
The biggest uncertainty is that this is a 55-plus community. Specifically, part of their zoning permit means 4/5ths of the community's residential units will be owned by people 55+. It sounds like at most 4 to 6 units could be occupied by folks under 55. They are open to our interest and think we could be a good fit as one of the under-55 families on site, and we're excited to learn more and deepen the conversation.
I wonder what you intentional-community minded Permies think of this possibility - what do you suggest we consider, ask about, or look for? A big question we have is how welcome the community is/will be to children through all stages of development, but thankfully they write about themselves as welcoming of diverse populations and shared childcare.
Some context we reflect on:
- Buying a house on our own does not mean we'll be around folks our age. It seems like the only reliable places we'd be around people our age, is if we drop our hopes of a big garden and forest in our backyard.
- Although this community is predominantly 55+, it is much closer to hubs of folks our age than most other houses we've found appealing on the market.
- Being in a close-knit ecovillage with folks of a different generation, does not preclude us from building community beyond the ecovillage just like we would build community beyond a single-family house we might otherwise live in. Our community would not be "either/or", it's more like "the usual, and in a good location with good community of a different generation".
- Our ideal would involve inter-generational living, and my partner and I both have meaningful friendships with folks of other generations, so this community of kindred spirits feels good in that sense. The concern about age is more about phase of life, like raising children with other people in that same phase. Again, this community's location probably situates us better than other options, in terms of regional proximity to like-minded people sharing our phases of life.