Hey you guys... I've had a few peach
trees my Dad planted which have been around 20 years... one of them did really well until I tried raising reishi nearby. It could be the reason several branches fell... but maybe something else. It grows in a wet corner that gets flooded lightly for a handful of days but in think the
root stock is tolerant... did fine then suddenly around that time lost two main branches
The tree survived and is reestablishing... I'm going to try my first fruit tree graft soon but I also want to make sure I keep this one around... it's the only one that grows HUGE peaches that are almost golden .. the best I've had frankly. It must be lower in chill requirements because it fruited as many or more years than the others... I like it better than red haven which just fills up with jelly and falls apart here... that is the one I lost onmy had peaches one year you almost have to build a scaffold for it..
I think the variety is 'Honey-O" but I cant find any information about it!
Anyhow I'll be putting scions up for sale soon but also if someone wants some and will mail me back a successful graft or two I'm interested in that type of trade I'm around Dallas Tx... if you know about the variety please share too it's really the better of every peach I've tried Extremely Juicy, the perfect acidity - A Huge golden sugar bomb... they're so good...
I think I remember a tiny amount of red to the skin occasionally i was happy to find a lower branch that put on a few feet and I have several scions a few feet higher that I need to trim very soon.
If interested just let me know!