so something I would like this day to have would be demonstrations. It would be awesome if
RMH were not a thing. What i mean is if they became normal. So it would be really cool if it involved inviting people over to watch/see feel the warmth of the
RMH. Pizza party?
Or even some type of parade? or one way to get the point out there.
I keep trying to tell people about how instead of gathering 3 cords of
wood every year. They can gather 3 cords of wood over 3 years.
I think it would be tricky picking a time. As in North Dakota it would be much earlier for starting the RMH up than say where I live. North Dakota might be Sept 30th and here it could be even later. California would be even later. If we are going off when the heater was first started for the year.
So maybe a mix between the later date and the earlier date.
I do like the idea of it being when the RMH was first started for the year or something like that. Though some of the draw of the RMH is when the stove is not on. That desirable stored heat.....
Is there a significant date for RMH? When did Ianto first start using them? When did metal in the flame path become taboo?
Another day it could be is a build a RMH date! Not sure how that would pan out. maybe it could be great.
The Masonry Heater Association AGM is april 11-17th.