I don't think we're hurting the economy so much as we may be leading the way to a new economy. From my own
experience, I've stopped spending on any unnecessary things and put more of my dollars towards things that help me make life better for my family's future.
For example: I made an investment in a lot of seeds, row covers,
books and tools early in the year. I've already made my money back by selling fruit, veggies and seeds. I have increased fertility, food production and knowledge. I saved a lot of seed that I won't have to but next year. All in all I probably saved a couple grand that admittedly, didn't go to a grocery store, won't go to the seed company and can't be wasted on things I don't need again.
So am I hurting the economy? Maybe a little, but it's benefiting me and my family now. In the long run I'll be in a better position to enter the economy as a producer of better quality items for others. So currently I'm not as good of a consumer as I used to be and I'm not yet a producer so...