Hi everyone, I need to
fence in about five acres for goats. I have never done goats before. I need to do it as cheaply as possible, this year. Hedges are cheapest, but I can't exactly make a hedge in one year.
The woven wire goat
fence is pricey and I would rather not.
Can barbed wire do it? I know goats are escapists, but if I run the barbed wire every four inches, from the ground up to 4 feet or so, and then pack up as much thorny dead brush as I can up against the wire to keep them from challenging it too much.
Meanwhile, I am planting a hedge that will grow up over the next several years, with the goal of eventually removing the barbed wire and using it elsewhere once the hedge is mature.
My plan now is three goats, with five acres full of shrubs to eat, and plenty of fresh
water. So if they have all their needs met, are not crowded, and I do a reasonable job with the barbed wire, will that be
enough? Or am I just naive about goats?
Edit to add: Electricity is not a reasonable option for me, sadly.
Thoughts? Thanks!