(Hey, complete newbie here, so if I posted this in the wrong place, I apologize!)
So I'm hoping to build a little place (10ft X 20ft) in a bit of woods not far from my house.
land was originally planted for timber, so the pine
trees are rather straight, tall and evenly spaced apart.
The spot that I've chosen is a lovely one deep in the woods. I've got the area marked out and am hoping to remove the trees this weekend in order to get the lumber I need and begin flattening the area & digging the foundation holes.
Unfortunately, I'm having
a lot of trouble removing the kind of spongy forest floor layer to the point where I'm at my wit's end.
I've tried raking it but it clogs up between every second pass and you either have to bang it a few times or manually pick it out. There's also a lot of little
roots under this layer so it gets stuck on that as well.
A shovel was also not very helpful but it could be because of the kind I was using (a curved blade).
And I've tried to do I by hand but I'm not going to lie, all the kneeling and standing is really hard on my knees to the point where I can only do it a few times.
I've tried googling suggestions but most I think are meant for removing pine needles from lawns (mainly a leaf blower is suggested and while the idea is entertaining, I don't think it would work for my situation).
I also thought of some sort of digger or something similar.
However, access is a bit difficult as the path through the forest to the spot is rather narrow (about 7 ft) and I'm worried that if I go that route, I'll have to cut down more trees which is something I'm trying to avoid as much as possible.
Any suggestions for this predicament would be appreciated!