These Hybrid are a cross between Male Rocky Moutain White,and Female O.mossombica (Mike Sipes Strain). THE ORANGE FISH IN THE PHOTO BELOW ARE FEMALE, AND THE DARK FISH IS MALE. THE FINGERLINGS ARE 12 WEEKS OLD, AND 4 INCHES.
I'm gonna go ahead and remove the other post cuz it is now a dupe.
If you have more stuff to add about this, go ahead and reply to this thread. That way folks can link to just the one page. You can also edit your first post a bit if you need to.
And ... may I suggest ... you might want to look into a paypal account.
i don't think hybrid fish breed kinda like mule . right
" There are advantages and disadvantages to use of hybrids. Most grow faster (hybrid vigor) than either parent, but some do not fare as well in regards to survival from egg through fry stage. Most are incapable of reproduction"