a couple of breakout topics: [edit: ok. The original subject was 'my meaningless drivel contribution', and I didn't know where it was going to go. It ended-up maintaining itself to a single topic...]
A someone pointed me to a
video about a couple of men, working as scientists at novartis, before gen tech became big, who had easily used a static electric generator to get seeds and fish eggs to express characteristics only found in the fossil record. Trout turned into pre-historic trout, for instance. Corn grew many more ears.
Electric universe:
The video 'Symbols of an alien sky' is available as a torrrent. The video 'Thunderbolts of the gods', not as good but on google video, is also available. These have topics mostly about static electric discharges between planets causing, for instance, the arcing seen on the surface of mars, which looks exactly like the marks left on a piece of steel after dragging a welding rod across the surface. So the story goes, Saturn used to be parked over the north pole, proving a constant source of light, one might imagine more heat, and creating more of a tropical paradise on earth. Yes, this means throwing away the broken cosmological theories of gravitation. Separately, something in the sanscrit ('vedas'?), there is a claim the moon was not always there, that it has had some detrimental effect to mankind, and mathematical evidence is claimed to exist -I am not an astronomer or mathematician- that the moon is an artificially-installed body. The most obvious abnormality is the same side of the moon always faces us.
It is reasonable, therefore, that if the static-electric charges were higher at one time, and seed and egg exposure to high static electric fields changes the expression, that explains why, in terms of physical genetics, things haven't changed all that much - yet today physical genetics is pushed, again by the banker-priests, as another aspect of fraud-science. If y' is a sheeple, y' is being
led down the wrong path, one of eugenics under a different name. Just as the word propaganda was replaced with 'public relations', although it's the
same exact thing.
I have _never_ seen anyone post or mention the above idea _ever_. This is exclusive to the Paul Wheaton Permies forum. I would like someone on the forum who has access to a lab static field generator (professional bench-top device), to re-create the simple experiment. It's possible that people could regenerate themselves by sleeping in-between the two charged sides of a static field. If we forward this to tesla's PHOTOS, where do we consistently see him? - in the middle of a field of massive static discharge/high
energy electric discharge. Reading, relaxing. So we can assume he was there for hours at a time, perhaps every day; and so therefore there is something more compelling than a light show he is conveying through the photos to us.