I don't know what you consider strong tasting, but I think kale is pretty mild, especially the variety I have. It's Homesteader's kaleidoscopic perennial kale grex from experimental farm network. It would easily be perennial in your climate. It does fine in hot summers, at least for a few weeks at a time. Last year we had high 30s, up to 45C for over a month. I didn't
water it at all and it was fine, although not as happy as I've seen it at other times.
Also from EFN is Dietrich's wild broccoli raab. Its a feral turnip, so low oxalate. When the weather is cool, the leaves are mild and sweet. They get a bit spicy after the seed pods start forming, but I just switch to kale at that point. The broccoli raab is a self seeding biennial, not at all picky about where it grows.
These two plants have become my green staples, and I'm very happy with them. I'm even getting ready to collect what looks like a ridiculous amount of seed from a 4x8' patch of the raab. I plan to use it for sprouting over the winter while everything's under snow.