From what I understand, regular brick just dosen't cut it for two reasons.
#1: It doesn't last. As Chris B mentioned it cracks and spalls very quicky and so have a very short lifespan.
#2: It's a heat sink. It is a form of thermal mass where what you really want in that part of your system is super insulation.
Whith this in mind people will use fire brick, BUT... be aware of two products that both go under the name of fire brick.
One is a hot fired high silica brick that is capable of withstanding the high temps you are hopefully going to get in your heat riser and combustion chamber. It is somewhat heavy like normal brick This, I belive, is what Chris B is talking about (good score Chris!).
The BEST brick to use is also called fire brick on this forum, but I think a better make for it is Kiln brick. It has lots of little air pockets in it and has a very high silica content. It is a very good insulator as well as being able to whitstand the heat of your rocket. This is your best choise for an efficient secondary burn.
The only drawback to kiln brick is it's dencity is low
enough that it doesn\t deal well with abrasion. You fuel may wear it away, so I've seen some people use ceramic tile to line their fuel port, just for longevity.