Hi Tomke;
When you live in a town with watchful authority and most likely nosy neighbors your only choice is to be sneaky...
Not that I'm encouraging you to ignore the law but sometimes that may be the only way you can accomplish your goals.
However, be prepared to accept the consequences if you are exposed...
An existing chimney is the only way you might avoid notice by others.
If your home does not have an existing chimney then I'm afraid you will be noticed by many if you attempt to install one.
In the US, I have heard of folks living in high-rise buildings where RMHs have been built with a horizontal chimney.
The "Crest law" would not allow you to get away with that design, and there can be wind issues with a horizontal chimney.
A properly built
RMH once it is running will have little to no smoke exiting the chimney.
Steam is very common from damp wood. This simulates a clothes
dryer vent and any discharge will dissipate quickly and will not smell like wood smoke.
If only the authority's understood that ALL wood burners need to be as efficient as an
Then their concerns about air pollution would be groundless.
I believe we have had folks in Germany with successful RMH builds but they were located out of town.