We put a natural swimming pond in the middle of front
yard garden. We are on a deep well for the house and we recently installed a shallow well high up on our hill side. The pond has a large shallow area that is full of
pea gravel and aquatic plants that hosts 4 to 5 of frogs and toads.
Benefits of our current pond.
A plunge pool to cool off in the heat of the summer.
The gutters of our house are hooked up to it so we don't have water pooling around our foundation during major rain events.
We built a patio space next to it so we can chill out while watching the frogs, fish, birds, and dragonflies use the pond.
The frogs, toads, birds and dragonflies dramatically reduce the insect damage to my veggie and fruit plants. This work force is amazing and I want to add another pond to the backyard to get the same benefit.
The pond over flow waters a swale and swale
berm full of fruit
trees and shrubs.
I use the pond water for irrigation for the plants near the pond which reduces well water use.
I have a water source to use in a power outage. While it would need to be treated to make it safe to drink it is a nice back up to flush toilets and such when the power is out.
My cat loves drinking out of the pond. He also loves all the critters the garden and pond provide for him to chase.
You can grow edible fish in the pond. We will be adding a second pond to our back yard and want to stock it with at least
native catfish.
If you have a fire the fire department can use that water to help put it out.
It can help create season extending micro climates to keep slightly warmer loving plants alive over the winter. Our pond berm is one of the last places to get frost damage in the fall.