I got a chance to mess with parts a little bit more.
Turns out my long strait pipe cannot easily slot into the holes meant to receive the feet of the trampoline.
I will need a bit of something that is roughly 1 and 7/16 inches in diameter to bridge between the two.
I have some ideas.
1. I could get an oversized pipe and cut a slit down one side.
Once this "C" section length of pipe is compressed enough it can be inserted into the ends of the two pipes that need joining.
2. I could get some slightly undersized pipe and wrap it with tape.
3. I could get some wooden dolls.
4. I could hammer oversized
wood down the long piece of pipe splitting off excess bits by brute force.
I would then trim the remainder to fit in to the other side with a wood cutting angle grinder blade(not the chainsaw one!)
All options can be reinforced via through bolts and/ or screws.
Anybody got any other ideas?