We had our first hands-on
experience trying to make
cob today.
My kids' history lesson on Egyptian pyramids suggested building a pyramid by making "sand bricks" by mixing sand with glue and forming it into tiny bricks. I thought, "let's play with mud instead and make cob." Funny where the rabbit holes can take you when you are homeschooling.
I was just a supervisor and told them the basic idea and ingredients and the kids did all the work. As they were mixing with shovels in a flower pot, they said, "Mom, wouldn't it work if we use our feet to mix it? We could dump it on a tarp and it might be easier..." " Well yes, that is actually how people tend to mix it when they are doing a
project, " I replied sheepishly, thinking how I didn't feel like cleaning up that much mud. But I promised they could try that next time after we see how this small batch turns out and decide what changes might be needed.
The kids are planning on leveling up their fort building efforts. 😆