I have been using the Harvest Guard reusable canning lids now for a couple years. I have come to absolutely love them. I live in Alaska and shipping here can be crazy expensive. Harvest Guard offers free shipping even to Alaska. Most companies only offer free in the lower 48 states.
I was planning to buy Tattler brand and they had a large bulk pack on Amazon. Except it wasn't free shipping and then it turned out they wouldn't ship them to Alaska.
I went looking for another way to get them and found Harvest Guard. They were cheaper, used less packaging, and were happy to ship to me.
After using them now for a couple years, I have ordered a couple times. They work fantastic, are reusable many, many times and you can buy spare gaskets for when the gaskets finally do wear out. A win in every way. Yes they are made of plastic, however the fact I can use them so many times vs single use metal makes them worth it.
There is a learning curve, but it is pretty easy. Especially if you watch their
video first.
And the great part is they were also available when the metal ones couldn't be found in hardly any stores across the country. The only time they were behind was after a prominent blogger showcased them and they had something like 500,000 new customer orders in a couple days.
If you want to make sure you have canning lids long term, I'd recommend giving these lids a try.