Following the excellent advice on, I have located someone nearby with a couple of fruiting mulberry
trees to get cuttings from. The general advice on the internet seems to be that it is easier to
root from new growth softwood than from hard
wood. I'm in Zone 5b, so I'm guessing it would mid-June at least before I can get some new growth from the parent tree. It seems it will take 2-3 months at least for the cutting to root and put out
enough growth to be strong enough to be transplanted to its permanent location. I'm wondering if by then it will be too late into fall. Will it reduce the tree's chance of surviving winter? Is it better to take a chance on hardwood cutting from the dormant parent and get the process started sooner? (It's not someone I know very well, so I don't feel so comfortable asking for hardwood cuttings first and then softwood, which of
course would be the safest route.)