I'm trying to grow a a bunch of
trees in a 4x30 strip of
This is along the southern
fence line, in the shadow of the house next door.
I'm hoping to grow biomass here, things I can turn in to
biochar and further
Food is secondary at best.
So far I've transplanted in locusts, black cap raspberries,
rose of Sharon, box elder, and catawba.
I've collected and "planted" hedge apples, persimmons and Kentucky
Coffee Trees pods.
The bed is filled with autumn leaves, twigs, branches, and chunks of
It will receive infusions of
urine and weed tea over this winter.
I have also added rotting pumpkins, fermented tomato seeds and over ripe cucumbers.
I will be adding sunchokes, rasberries, blackberries,potatoes, true yams, sweet potatoes and gobo
root, all things I have close at hand.
I will be trying to start mulberry,
locust and pear cuttings in this same bed.
Suggestions for things I can add to the bed are welcome.
Free or cheap options preferred!