Hello there Permies, this is my first post, although i am always reading through the forums, so i guess i will be very awkward
This is my first time cultivating
mushrooms (oyster), and i am doing so in a double
bucket situation. I have quite a few questions... The buckets are similar in size, so there is a very tight space between both buckets, will this somehow affect the spread of my spawn negatively? I tend to air it out for a while once a day.
But my main question is regarding the mixing of substrates. I am using dried banana leaves and sawdust, with a wee bit of
coffee grounds... i fear that maybe the combination could produce mold? Do any of you know if this might harm my mycelium?
Have you guys ever mixed multiple plants for a substrate? I would like any advice on this, if any of you know
thank you so much!!!
a big hug