We have municipalization here in a few places. In one town, the town purchased the powerline and poles from a company, and then contracted with a hydrodam to provide electricity to the town, and from what I hear, it is very inexpensive power.
We are also demonopolized here, so we can choose where we buy our electricity. If you support
solar, your money goes to them, or for wind, etc. It is a little misleading because electricity takes the path of least resistance, and electricity consumed in your house right now, was produced a second ago from some generating station. Which one, no one knows as the grid is the largest machine in the world after all. So while a homeowner may give their money to
solar, where the power actually came from, no one can really say.
There is actually talk here of going to municipalization, a hard to pronounce seven syllable word, but just means the State of Maine will own and operate its electric grid. It has been proposed in a lot of places, but seldom implemented because of cost and an unwillingness to truly demonopolize. It is a fascinating subject really, and one I literally wrote the book on, making a novel out of the concept a few months ago. (It was the third in a trilogy on the electric grid of New England).