I want to link an image from another site but it's ridiculously big. So me, being lazy, thought I'd use my very rusty coding knowledge to inline resize the image in HTML
<img src="https://www.tripsavvy.com/thmb/QtkeVP-GCHGQq1a3lYev8cpgcm8=/2121x1414/filters:fill(auto,1)/GettyImages-542124028-59efc648c412440011deb3b2.jpg" alt="Manhatten Bridge walkway" width="212" height="141">
That displays the image (when I enable HTML in my posts) but doesn't resize it.
When that didn't work, I searched for BBcode options and, according to
BBCode.org, tried
and then
Neither of which display anything.
I had a quick nosy around coderanch to see if there was more info about the bbcode implementation that Paul uses and couldn't find anything relevant.
Is there a list somewhere of what html and bbcode tags permies.com honours please?