I love tools, and this one is pretty new to me:
It is a simple tool that multiplies the force an individual can exert, and it could be a good way to process
yard waste.
The downside is the cost.
As a specialized tool for a artisan profession, they are more precious than buggy whips.
I think it would be a great forging
project, something that any maker might want, and a potential homestead product.
I don't forge(yet!) but I might be able to "make" one by modifying a cheap machete.
Some machete style knives have hooks on the end that could allow them to work as is.
Morakniv makes a "wood splitting" knife that resembles draw knife, but the handles are in line with the blade.
Such a design might work as both a stock and draw knife.
Even though this is 50-60 dollar knife, I haven't found any copy cats advertised for sale.
I suspect the handles placement can lead to accidents.
Although the knife in the first
video has a concave edge ,the blade design of most of the stock knives seem to be mostly strait edged.
I think a convex curve could add even more cutting options, and a modified machete will offer that choice, but there is probably a reason it isn't the norm.