Nancy Reading wrote:Wow! The growth of his plants was pretty impressive. I didn't catch what time of year it was, but they did look nice and healthy.
I guess some of the super growth might be down to the new soil. If he has a good balance in there as well as the plants able to take what they need in the way of moisture, that's ideal.
If I remember right, it was early/mid June. I saw them a few weeks before and my eyes nearly popped out at the growth. I have always heard that tomatoes like to be watered from below, and there is no change in the moisture availalble to them, so it is continually optimal. They really liked it.
Also, the greenhouse had no condensation at all, all summer - because there was no top watering. So a really pleasant, natural feeling environment.
The polytunnel that was the inspiration have attached guttering along the outside to catch the rainwater, which then is taken directly inside the tunnel and down to the soil, where excess seeps into the
pond underneath. In a couple of months I'll do a video on that as well as it is also really interesting - and yes, they have frogs spawning in the tunnel!
Good luck with your growing, I know it can be windy up there!