Hey y'all, please forgive me if this is posted in the wrong area. I received the devastating news today that my landlord wants us out of our home by the end of march so he can
sell our house. He wants to sell it for $500,000 which is of
course an insane asking price, and I can't afford to buy it from him. I am going to lose a garden I've worked on for years, as well as four ducks, three hens, a rooster, and a goat to this because of the insane rent in Nashville and my seeming inability to go anywhere that will rent to me with the animals. I would love to buy a home, and I'm doing everything I can, but I'm currently a gig worker and it's really difficult to apply for
mortgage loans. I'm still trying though, and in the meantime I am PRAYING that someone in this area or nearby can offer a rental or a rent to own that would be understanding of me bringing my ducks,
chickens, and goat with me. I don't want to lose them, I raised them from babies. This is breaking my heart. If anyone has any leads please let me know. I currently pay $1000/month and can continue doing that.