posted 2 years ago
I use a lot of vinegar for cleaning, as we're on a deep well.
So I thought I'd mention that the regular grocery store "vinegar" is 5% acetic acid. During pickling season, you'll often get "pickling vinegar" for the same price, but it is 7% acetic acid per volume - if you want less strength, just add water, and the same jug will go further.
However, to take it a step further, our hardware store occasionally puts "cleaning vinegar" on sale. That one is 10% acetic acid and for cleaning our toilets (which believe they are limestone caves and want to grow stalagmites) the cleaning vinegar is very helpful and really speeds up the job. I suspect that nothing bad would happen if I used it as "food", but I'm not desperate, so I do use the official food grade ones if I'm making pickles.
I realize Joy may not need this info, as she identifies she doesn't have hard water, but plenty of us do, so I posted for all the other people who may be reading this.
Looking forward to Joy's experimental results!