So I have been reading up on insulating beneath
concrete foundations and radiant heating floors lately, and the general concepts are straight forward
enough. In Vermont it seems to me that I'd want R-10 under the entire house with the perimeter bumping up to R-20 or so. I've got some ideas about using
straw bale above grade to insulate the back burial of the house, but I think the best under grade insulation to use is Foamular250. I would be open to suggestions of alternatives that could stand the weight of tire walls however.
My question after all this is.... Would it be a "better" insulating value to use a single layer of 2" foam taped at the seams, or two 1" layers of foam both taped and the seams offset to the opposite layer?
I'm torn myself because I think the 2" would withstand weight compression "better", but there would be a more complete heatflow barrier with the two 1" layers (unless they compress so much their R-value shrinks)