Cuba's Green Revolution
i've been wondering of how economy could 'get real',
i mean can you imagine an alternative world in which no large
quantities of fossil fuels would be to be found?
would the world develop slower but more sustainably or
we would get stuck in some version of ancient rome
or ancient china or some kind of high end medieval ages?
the life in cuba to someone who is locked into a
city life
paradigm of cubicles, could seem somewhat surreal i guess,
and i get it it has its own set of dis-functionality and problems,
but on other hand, its like a test site of what could be possible
if suddenly you would HAVE TO! deal with limited supply of goodies
you take for granted;
and still much of the problem is not lack of solutions;
but bulk of populace is slow to adopt a new mindset;
how much a sheer necessity for new adaptations would
bring the actual change that would guide everyone to
sustainable ways of eating, housing, transport and production?
cuba is an example of going a step back in technologies,
in which you start to reorganize into a more circular economy,
using organic waste into fertilizers, growing organically,
reintroducing animals for work and transport;
amish community obviously never fully stepped out of it;
perhaps in future more communities will adopt similar approaches.