First off all, thank you everyone.
The place i live used to be an old pasture. We have a gentle slope facing true south and the house was built in 1983 using
solar passive technique. The house and the land always receive plenty of sunligth.
The border around the land is full of mature of different evergreen (pine, fir...) and at the back of the house, stand a hill so that when the wind blow, it kinda pass over the house and the land.
We a have a small river at the end of the slopy terrain. It freeze solid each winter. The house stand above 40 feet high, so we is never flodded.
As for wild flowers, we have: Hieracium pilosella, Hieracium aurantiacum, Vicia cracca, Asclepias syriaca, Erythronium americanum subsp. americanum, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium hybridum L., Trifolium repens L., Erigeron annuus, Taraxacum officinale, and in the wodded lot Clematis virginiana. I have also noted that wild raspberry bush grows on our land as wild small strawberry.
At first, i was tempeted by sowing lots of clovers, lupin, lucerne, rye, buckweat, sunflower,
flax and jerusalem artichokes. Following M. Holzer instruction, i would have waited 1 or 2 years and then planated some fruit trees and start a garden.
I was also thinking about making
raised bed using old trees.
As for where i live Heidi, i'm in, La Mauricie region in a small village called, Lac-aux-Sables (Sand's lake). Our growing zone is 3b. It's alway humid, both in summer and winter. We have
deer, raccons, and sometimes, foxes.
Once again, thank's for all of your comments. I'll try to post some pics of where i live.