Ceres Andromeda wrote:I'm a Spiritual teacher artist innovator in the high plains desert, surrounded by mountains. I'm on 5 acres that's undeveloped, but there is Light, freedom, and potential here for starting something amazing with me, others, Earth. I'm wanting to start a small commune and am inviting those of any age/gender who may be interested to get in touch. The most important thing is shared values and vision. Creativity and Spirituality is more important than skills or experience. This small commune can include short term and long term members. I've been here just long enough to clarify my vision for what I want here and how it might happen, this includes but is not limited to; small organic farming, conscious relationship to the elements and Earth, art and innovation in all areas, creating private and communal housing, possibly starting a hub for the community. It's important that those who come can contribute with resources and/or the ability to do at least light labor. All collaboration and exchange will be in balance, synergistic (sum is more than the parts).
You can message me here or email me; ceres@cosmic-alchemy.space, with interest/questions and if our visions and values compliment, we can chat, zoom, talk about you coming to visit or live on this land and starting something communal. For now those coming need to come in a RV, living van, or camp until another shelter can be bought or built. Blessings..... Ceres 🦋🌳💫