Not sure about shopping carts but I acquire starts of plants, especially seeds, in all kinds of odd places. Last winter I collected about a pint of holly berries from some gorgeous trees in front of a bank. Employees watched me from their window, no doubt wondering, what the heck is that crazy guy doing. Judging from how many berries there were, I suspect they might be the self-pollinating type, not needing a male tree. I wondered if the berries themselves might be sterile, and not have any seeds, but baby holly trees are coming up now. Maybe I'll pot some up and gift them to the people at the bank. I have magnolia, redbud, roses, and lots of other trees and shrubs acquired the same way.
Nothing ruins a neighborhood like paved roads and water lines.
No idea what condition it's in, but it appears to be one of those big green egg smoker grill things. Possibly useful as is or repurposed for something else? I think the garbage day for this area is tomorrow (Tuesday)
For those of you in the Cincinnati area this is in Norwood west of rookwood on smith.
In the Aldi dumpster at 10400 Reading Rd, Evendale, OH 45241 there appears to be a bunch of stainless steel .
It is under dumpstered food, including raw chicken.
We already a vehicle full of salvaged fruit and veg, along with some actual purchases, plus I dont drive a poop(plumbers) van anymore.
Instead I'm in the family minivan with my wife, who suggested we share this lead.