Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” — Abraham Lincoln
John C Daley wrote:Progress, what are the plans?
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
Jen Fulkerson wrote:Shari it looks great. The raised beds are awesome. I've never seen any like them. Are they metal? Thanks for sharing.
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” — Abraham Lincoln
Jen Fulkerson wrote:Shari your trellis is already looking great. I hope you keep posting your pictures, it will be fun to see it covered. It's more special than cattle panels because it came from your property.
80$ wow that's way too much! I felt they were more than I could justify at I can't remember but it was around 30$. The only reason I got the ones I have is because my son bought them for me for my birthday.
I enjoy your post happy gardening
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
Will Wit wrote:Oh goodness, now I see. When you said in the forest meant IN the forest.
Probably dealing with a significant root mat too.
good progress though considering.
Don't work to hard.
Shari Clark wrote:I am not familiar with the term, root mat, but I looked it up. I don't know if we have that or not. It has been a challenge but just taking small steps to improve and work on it.
Will Wit wrote:
More commonly referred to as the "root zone"
It's all the roots right below the surface, over time all the roots from all the plants trees everything form a "mat". It can be anywhere from less than an inch to 5-6-7+ inches thick Depends on the variety of all plant life in the area and can vary across any given area depending on the soil density and nutrient layer and the plant or trees ability to penetrate the soil. Normally tress and plants roots only travel however far they need to satisfy the water and available nutrients they need to thrive. If there is competition their roots will have to go farther and deeper for nutrients and water to "thrive" if they can at all. Some die some live, sunlight plays a role... many factors in an ecosystem from below ground to the top of the trees (canopy).
The answer to your question," if you have it."
Oh yes, you have it. It's most likely part of the challenge. Another way to understand "root mat".. More commonly referred to as the "Root Zone" If there's grass, weeds or any form of vegetation life there will be a root mat, thick or thin, weak or strong, from few to "oh so many roots" ---- Root Mat aka. Root Zone but with a ton of roots =)
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” — Abraham Lincoln
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” — Abraham Lincoln
Jen Fulkerson wrote:Sheri everything looks amazing you must be so happy with your results.
As far as improving your trellis, did you connect them horizontally? If you are growing bines then you are fine to leave it with only vertical poles because a bine twists around and around. If you are growing vines,( the ones with the little curly cues that grab on) they need horizontal as well. You can bind branches, or use some kind of twine. It doesn't have to be complicated, or expensive to be very effective.
Thanks for the update, everything looks beautiful.
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
Best serotonin-booster ever: garden time.
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