posted 11 years ago
This one has been bouncing around for some time, and I thought we had heard the last of it.
The facts:
1) The man in question received a permit for rainwater catchment for personal use. In Western states, this is intended to provide water for CONSUMPTION.
2) Instead of harvesting a couple thousand gallons a year for consumption, he created ponds that sequestered more than 13 MILLION gallons of water.
3) The law is written such that in any case where the water rights of farmers are infringed by water collection in the watershed, the state has the right to revoke the permit.
4) The state revoked the permit and ordered the man to drain his ponds. He complied.
5) Afterwards, without a permit, he rebuilt his weirs and filled his ponds again. The state noticed (because you can see the ponds from sattelite images, and because there was a noticable decrease in runoff)
6) He was again ordered to drain the ponds and threatened with fines. He refused.
7) He was fined and jailed.
Do I feel bad for him? Not a bit. He had at least four choices:
-Move to a place where the laws are different.
-Campaign to change the laws.
-Live within the laws and get the appropriate permitting.
-Break the law and live with the consequences.
He chose the fourth. It's Ethics 101. Nobody is REQUIRED to follow the rules. You have your own free will. If you choose to not follow the rules, you need to be able to accept the consequences. Making a big stink about it in the news is childish. I see "news" like this all the time, and it sickens me. Grow up, people.