I am so excited about this that I just had to share.
For the past decade, my husband and I have been slowly repairing, remodeling, and energy upgrading our 100-year-old house. We were finally down to only two rooms left, and just recently, one of those rooms is becoming my studio workshop!
A place to read, sew, and spin.
A worktable for fabric cutting, crafting, and my electric sewing machine.
It's a small room, however, (not quite 100 square feet), so the only sad thing is there's no room for my large floor loom. Even so, just having a place to dream, work, and create is a wonderful gift.
And then, a dear homestead blogging friend emailed me and told me she had an old table loom that she never used. Was I interested? How many ways can one say yes! I paid for the shipping, and even as high as that was, I consider this a real bargain.
My new to me table loom!
It arrived the other day and still needs to be assembled. And I still have to pull out all my boxes of weaving supplies and yarns and find homes for them. Everything has been packed away for so long that it's like Christmas to rediscover everything. Finding homes for it all is my curent challenge! I feel like I'm trying to stuff 20 pounds of potatoes into a 5 pound bag.
Of course, there isn't as much time in summer to do fibery things, but this winter I hope to spend a lot of time here.
Jordan, LOL! I definitely plan to have it neat and tidy on the day I'm finally gotten everything put away and I take photos for my "sewing room done!" post on my blog. After that, it will look productive.
It's been slow to take shape and I'm currently working on getting all my books and weaving yarns organized.