Howdy, Caley Tolver! Welcome to Permies!
You're doing the right thing. The best guard geese I have had are those that are raised right alongside the chicken chicks. If you can get a goose raised by a chicken hen, even better.
Yes, two geese will bond with each other, but they also take turns sleeping, so it works out. I have had as many as 5 guard geese at a time, and the geese will hang around with each other, but they also track the chickens and will make ALL THE NOISE, which is what you want.
Starting early, try to keep them in the same brooding space and make sure they spend lots of time as a large group. Goslings are great with smaller chicks, even though it seems counter-intuitive. The only hard part is trying to keep goslings out of
water containers, but that's something you have to figure out as you go along.
Goslings will bond with everything. Try not to be their main focus. It's hard to walk that very narrow line of being their flock leader, but not being their romantic interest. The best thing is to be The Food Bringer and Giver of All Good Things, but not spend lots of time or handle them too much. I did my best to only pick them up when I had to move them into or out of the brooder, and never cuddled them. They protected the chicken chicks from a young age and are at it right now!
My best goose guard was hatched and raised by a hen, but that's a second generation thing. Pat the Goose was the best goose ever and I miss his fluffy butt...
Make sure the
feed you give them isn't medicated and has Brewer's yeast or is formulated for game birds and/or waterfowl chicks. The chicken chicks will be fine on it and chicken starter can kill goslings.
Teach them that if they make noise for a good reason, you'll come running. That's what you need them to do.
Goslings are as food motivated as any other small critter, and they are easy to train. Teach them basic manners while they're young and they
should be fun to work with.
They will start grazing early, so having them out on some well protected grass is good for them - just keep an eye out.
Good luck with your small gaggle and your growing flock!