I am a
vegetarian for health reasons alone, a few months ago I got into a long
online argument with a whole heap of vegans, but before I started that argument when someone would ask me why am I a vegetarian I would say because of health and animal welfare reasons but now after the replies I got from that discussion I have come to the realisation that if I was doing it for the animals I would be a Vegan or raw foodist.
Thanks to those Vegans I now put my survival over that of my animals, having said that I will still continue to take care of my animals as humanely as possible but I no longer feel false gilt if I
sell excess animals off for meat as I am now only vegetarian for health reasons. I owe those vegans a lot because I can now sell my excess roosters, my excess ducks, my excess male goats (as I only need one for breeding stock), excess
honey from my new EXTRA beehives, and I am now looking into
aquaculture which is something I would never have done before because It would of gone against my false idea that I was a vegetarian for animal welfare, I am also going to supply most of my fish food as worms from my new large worm farms and other bugs.
If I thought meat was healthy I would keep some of it myself to eat but I don’t think anyone could convince me to do that.
Meats not good
enough for me to eat it but if people want to eat it than that’s there choice. I must admit i do make some omni people freak out a bit at first but after a short time everyone so far has come too really like my state of mind.
I have also found that omnies in general tend to be a lot more receptive to the idea of Vegetarianism than they used to be around me because of my new found laid back attitude, they see me as more of a realist now as opposed to some weirdo hippie making them feel bad and trying to convert them.
I now believe that people who think of themselves as omnivores have just as much right to eat meat as a carnivore such as a dog, I believe myself to be a Vegetarian therefore I have no right or need to eat meat!
The mind is a powerful thing, to quote Henry Ford "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.", we can jump up and down and tell someone one logical fact after another until we are blue in the face and it wont matter one bit if they don’t believe that Vegetarianism or Veganism is right for them, if for some reason an omnivore who truly believes that they need meat to be healthy was forced to live on a vegetarian or vegan diet than there is a VERY HIGH chance that there physical and mental health would decrease (regardless of how much healthy food they eat) because of the restrictions that their mind has put in place!
Vegetarians and omnies are always getting bashed by vegans because they think that we don’t know enough about Animal rights and all that is needed is for vegans to fill in the gaps and that people (especially vegetarians) will jump on the band wagon as soon as they are told, that’s not the case for people in 3rd world countries and also for people like me who live in “first world countries” where the ground is so depleted from centuries of monoculture farming, mining and forestry that you could take a sledgehammer to the rock hard ground and break the hammers handle, and this is what we have to try and grow food in, which would be nearly impossible without the help of animals.
I would be quite surprised if there was a vegan or a vegetarian that has not tried to convert at leased one person. There is only one thing that can change or alter what the majority of the public believes (as it often does) and that is the Main Stream Media, sadly Adolph Hitler knew this all to well as he once said “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” not that I am saying Vegetarianism is a lie but unless you can control the Main Stream Media you cannot change someone into believing that Vegetarianism or Veganism is right for them, it must be there choice that they make of there own free will and in there own time or else it wont last.
And as for health,
in my opinion there are many vegan and vegetarian foods that are a lot unhealthier to eat than either
dairy or meat.
Lets talk about a man named John, John lives off a diet of mostly dairy, meat, white sugar, white flour, white rice, white bread, High Sugar breakfast Cereals, carbonated drinks, deep-fried foods, Cookies and Candy.
If our friend John was to change all of the above foods other than meat and dairy to healthier versions he would be a lot healthier than he would be if he only stopped eating meat and dairy and kept eating the rest.
By themselves Vegetarianism and Veganism do not guarantee a healthy diet, they can be a start but by themselves all they will ever be when it comes to health is to be a part of a healthy diet.
So if you are only worried about health meat and dairy
should be one of the last things you will need to cut out of your diet.
And while we are on the topic of health, in my opinion there is not a single person in the world that can come up with a good argument that Honey is unhealthy.