This year, I planted 3 varieties of onion sets that I hand picked from the bulk bin at the farm store. I chose storage onions in red, white, & yellow. In my excitement of having a bountiful garden that was well planned with proper spacing & soaker hose
irrigation to make watering easier on me, I ended up losing the vast majority to weed competition/overwatering/rot. When I realized this, I stopped providing additional water & just let the few that were left to recover on their own, they did, & even bulbed up a little. My family had grown about 4 rows of onions every year, & they always did well. I haven't grown them in a very long time, as such, I misremembered some details like water needs & just how long it takes to get them to harvest ready. Now, those small onions are curing, & I'm going to try replanting in the fall to try overwintering them along with garlic for a bigger/earlier harvest next summer.
My question is, if I allow the scapes to flower, is it possible they will produce seed that can be a hybrid of different types of allium? My plan is to also plant shallots, hard neck garlic, & soft neck garlic all in the fall. I'm aware that letting the scapes go can reduce bulb size, but for my needs I can live with that for the larger bulbing onions. Will red, yelow, white onions cross-pollinated produce viable seed? Will hard-neck garlic cross with soft neck? Will onions & garlic cross? I know these questions only matter for seed saving, but I'm curious to know and maybe others are too? If anyone knows if this question has come up before, feel free to link the
thread. Thanks!