I like the idea of communism, but what is to make it work there is no p9ossiblility of an opposition you can't have comunists against comunists. It took centuries to create the justice system, there were judges doing the rounds in england to try seriouse cases from 1166 on and the justice we know now the different safe guards there are to make sure people don't get tried unjustly, have developed since then. It takes a long time to develop the boundaries and safe guards of a new system, how long would it take communism to iron out the problems that have been found to exist in its implimentation that have not created riches but caos in comunist countries. and the drying of the aral sea because it wasw to easy to sign a paper ordering the use of the
water in the rivers for irrigation htat made the district earn a lot from cotton for a while but ended up creating desertification.
Morality is a hard one you learn a lot of ideas that are very attractive because of their amiability and then you find them used by a lot of bullies. An example of ho w agoo didea can be used to bully people ithat has little to do with morality is, you ask someone why they have pinched a freind of yours and they say you have to learn to live in the present, learning to live in the present is an idea that comes from psychology i think. So, living in the present becomes a reason, not for you to get used to the inevitable, but for peole to count you out, decide your desires are not important because you can just get used to what they have to offer you.
Basic to bullying is to find faults in the victims, it excuses their abuse of you or their trashing you. Morality gives bullies the excuses, it only need some ingenuity to accuse the victims of the sins. Imagining that you have had bad motives for your actions is the easiest way to blacken, motives are something that can't proved one way or the other, this is the easiest way to blacken others. An easy way to know if people are dangerouse freinds or not, is to notice if they always invariably think up a lousey motives for your actions or not if they do, then it is probably self destructive to know them. The person who gives constructive criticism will not invariably think up a really bad motive for your actions.
I am for the equality of opportunities,attempt to reduce that sort of egoism that consists in having difficulty in seeing other people potential. The churches have taught their preachers to a level they have not taught their parishioners, they apreciate the value of not letting others get the better of them for their own workers but not for the people they wish to indoctrinate.
The anarchist in Spain did give higher education to people in villages children and grown ups. They were great.
The only thing that assures the passing of knowledge to everyone is the school curriculum imposed by the goverment, without such an imposition people start to discriminate against each other so that a lot of people don't recieve lots of information.
As a woman i have to add there is the purposful, more wicked counsciouse effort to reduce peoples possibilities, rather than the simple difficulty in seeing they can take it.
Other than schooling, the traditional demands for a certain type of conversation if you are on a social visit england among a great part of the population, often also works to oblige people to maintain sensible conversation . In spain there is no such obligation in in mixed circles in the circles i move in, there is probably an obligation to have seriouse conversation among men. Farming is seriouse it has to do with feeding us. Politics is seriouse it has to do with everything else, the arts discuss psychology politics and society and so are seriouse. etc.
Another source of equality are islamic rules which demand the consulta, consultation, sulta being the hierachy and having a hierachy meaning, at least in Morrocco an obligatory discusion of many family matters for example, probably village matters too with the other males of the extended family. For example in Fatima Mernissies book "In the harim" the spainsish version is called "On The Threshold" her autobiography, when her mother suggested sending the children to the french school, her faather called together his brothers, his wifes brother, to defend her pioint of view, his father, probably his cousins, her family lived in the country, to discuss it, they decided to send the girl to the french school but not to let the mother learn to read and write . Boys are included in male conversations they give their opinions and listen to the other mens opinion. Women aren't included which is bad but at least all the men are obliged to talk on all sorts of themes that don't include football. I don't mind people talking of football, clothes, or whatever as long as it isnot the only thing theyare interested in. This consultation, enforced by religiouse and cultural tradition must help the level of education in the country.
Another place i know that includes this sort of disciplined discussion of things is alcoholics anonymouse, i took someone once to three meetings and even listend to one. I noticed they had organised discussion of themes and each person talking, people who weren't normally given to seriouse discussion and people who were used to it were there as th egroup was not one of people who had got together because they liked each others conversation, so it made for that sort of conversation should give adult education or the maintainance of adult abilities once school is over. agri rose macaskie.