Chris A. : Have you been to to download Ianto Evans' great book
'Rocket Mass heaters' $15.oo U.S. ? This is where (page 36) I
got the information that the larger the barrel the lower the surface temp, think about it, for the
rocket mass heater to push its hot exhaust gases horizontally
we have to create the temperature gradient between the heat riser and barrel bottom. A smaller barrel will have to radiate just as much heat off of a smaller
surface, the only way it can do this is to radiate at a higher temp!
This is why when a 3 yr old wants to climb up in your lap for a cuddle it is so pleasant, their mass to surface area is such that in order to maintain homeostasis
They have to radiate at a higher temp !
While a cylinder of gravel in contact with the barrel will work at start up, even before the gravel cylinder temp equalizes with the temp of the barrel your Rocket
Mass Heater will stop drawing ! If you increased the inside diameter of your keyhole you could move out about a foot before building a brick/pavers wall with
about as much air space as brick, think of a lattice wall !
Where do you live, and do have any
experience with
cob ?I only raise this as an issue because you may have to modify the way you construct your raised beds.
Local / Seasonal Greenhouse practices vary from region to region with the high humidity in the coastal N.E. and N.W. modifying practices of
dryer areas !
Without depriving your plants, you may have to modify your watering technique, the clay/sand/straw cob mix is very Hydroscopic, and can soften and slump if
frequent watering and hi humidity is common and prolonged, where other people have used plastic or sheet metal between their raised benches and their grow
beds, you will have to be creative to protect your thermal mass from too much water- only time will tell what will work for you ! Y.M.M.V.
GOOD LUCK Be Safe, keep Warm, Pyro magically - Big Al