Hey there!
We are looking for the right humans that align with our values, visions and goals! Check them out below, and if it's interesting to you follow the link to see our Guidelines and reach out to us for more info on how to become a trial member!
Who are we?
We are Mike and Ally of SoulFire Forest!
A blended family of 5 & 1 on the way, dedicated to living a
permaculture lifestyle and sharing all of the knowledge we have gathered while homesteading the last 8+ years. Ally also has
experience being a founding member of a community in Bangor, MI, and brings knowledge of community building, from many successes and failures over the last few years.
We’re starting up an intentional village, with a focus on conscious parenting and building a
permaculture food forest!
We will be sharing knowledge through our unschooling workshops and events around:
Growing and preserving food, plant medicine, vermicomposting and composting,
biochar, soil building, DIY vehicle maintenance and simple repairs, inner child healing, birth education, spiritual self care,
mushroom cultivation, shop & carpentry, cooking your garden produce & using food as medicine, reducing waste, conscious parenting, partner connection, foraging and more!
Our Vision:
A beacon of hope, inspiration and support for those wanting to remember our innate ancient wisdom, and realign themselves with nature and Mother Earth. A sanctuary where we are free to be ourselves while exploring conscious living, and contributing to social and ecological renewal. Take care of all of our members with a focus on the children, providing them with the knowledge and emotional support needed to thrive and pass the information on.
A healthy, open hearted and empowering intentional village.
Our Mission:
We will create this by working together on projects around
permaculture and
land care, conscious parenting, meeting our needs generally, re-claiming rites of passage,
sustainable building, re-imagining technology solutions, holistic health and herbs for wellness, education and outreach, hosting
local barter events, supporting the wider local community, closing the loop and getting resources from our property or as local as possible, practicing individual sovereignty while supporting others in their sovereignty, supporting vulnerable people, and experiencing an egalitarian economic system. Together we will survive whatever the future holds while co-creating and living in the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
Our Goals:
I. Self-Sustainable Community
Grow and forage our own fruit/vegetables/medicinal herbs, eat meat that we raise/hunt/trap, drink
milk from our own goats/cows. Anything that we don’t produce here we barter/trade/buy from surrounding communities/homesteads/farms. Give back to the Earth what we take, and show our thanks.
II. Conscious Community
Live in every moment and be conscious of our words and actions and how they affect the entire community- especially the children. Strive to show love, compassion, and respect in every interaction, and learn together how to process emotions in a healthy way.
III. Supportive Community
Provide support for every member of our society, unlike the society at large. Support parents in all of their transitions so that they can be good parents and raise a generation of knowledgeable and loving children; support children and teens- give them space to run and to process emotions, as well as a well-rounded learning environment; support single humans, give them opportunity to feel fulfilled and purposeful; support our elders- treat aging with the respect it deserves and the knowledge that is gained and its need to be passed down.
IV. Educational Community
Education for all ages! Host workshops that relate to our lifestyle, encourage villagers and the surrounding community to come and learn with us. Be fully stocked with a library full of resources and
books to learn about homesteading, growing food, holistic healthcare, herbalism and natural medicine, natural birth, food as medicine, wildtending and wildcrafting, etc.
V. Creative Community
Have space for every kind of creative- music studio,
art studio, dance studio, etc; have opportunities for members to practice in communal settings. Expressing ourselves creatively is not only for fun, but helps us to bond as a community and process our emotions in a healthy way.
VI. Purposeful Community
Whether your passion is being in the garden every day, baking bread every morning, cooking for the village, teaching, starting your own business to help provide for the community income, we are all striving to find our purpose and passion in life, while balancing the chores and nitty gritty together.
VII. Zero Waste Community
Eliminate our plastic use and
reuse what we do use in the meantime. Eliminate processed foods from our diet so that we can
compost all food leftovers. Use all parts of the animals- nothing wasted. Collect rainwater so we do not have to use as much well
water. Everything we use, we return as
carbon to the land.
VIII. Holistic Healthcare Community
Focus on preventative healthcare- eat healthy food with lots of vegetables so that we have the nutrients we need to maintain a strong immune system, healthy nervous system and supported body. Encourage members keeping their bodies in shape by providing opportunities for communal exercise if wanted. Use natural medicine/herbs/practices first, avoid conventional
medicinal practices as much as possible. Western medicine has a time and place, but we will try our best to let our bodies take care of themselves. Provide resources for members to educate themselves about the natural cycles of their bodies and how we can work with them.
If reading this fuels your SoulFire, check out our Guidelines and see if our Trial Membership is right for you!