My family and I are raising American Guinea Hogs. We currently have a breeding pair with a boar and sow, and a separate intact boar we are raising for pork. The separate intact boar is the offspring of our breeding pair.
Now, the intact boar is roughly 11 months old and has been raising the ire of his father. We have these boars in separated pens roughly 75 yards apart and yet at certainly monthly intervals, this father boar will do everything in his power to get at his son 75 yards away and kick the crap out of him. I suspect this is coinciding with our sow going into heat. I apologize if there are other sources that reference this scenario but everything I see regarding pig aggression is either over food or wild pigs. Strangely, doesn't seem to be much specific literature on boars fighting on a schedule.
1. Will boars go full aggro around the time the breeding sow goes into heat even if there is an already dominant boar?
2. If one boar is castrated thus a barrow will the other intact boar still go full aggro on him?
3. Much like two roosters who will eventually give up, when boars fight, will they eventually give up once one is the dominant winner? How often is this too the death?
I appreciate the feedback. We are learning a lot and thinking with the next litter to
sell all our male piglets and keep only female piglets for raising on for pork.