Looking for something to grow in that wet spot in the
yard where everything else rots away? Try bald cypress, known scientifically as
Taxodium Distichum. A really majestic tree, which can grow to over 100' in height, and live for over a thousand years. They are keystone species in the wetlands of the southern US, and with climate zones moving north, they will need a little help to colonize new areas. (While seeds have no problem going downstream, they do need a little help to go the other direction.)
I have lots of locally collected seed which I am willing to share with all you interested permies. I started 300 last year in plastic pots and used them in a mass planting we did on Martin Luther King day at the
local swamp/nature park (see pic above). Not a very fussy tree, with only one natural enemy -- the nutria. As long as you don't have any nutrias in your area, you
should get pretty good results with them. If you are in climate zone 6a or colder, you may have to mulch them extra well the first couple of winters, but once the
roots are established below the frost depth, they are very cold tolerant as well.
If you want to know more, here is the Wiki link
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxodium_distichum and if you want some seeds, send me a PM.