Before I get into the handle making, I want to talk about the process of hardening and tempering tool steels.
I will forego the scientific terminology and stick with more pedestrian wordings.
In short, when a given steel is brought up to what we call "critical temperature" the crystaline structure changes and the carbon goes into solution, meaning it is released from any fixed points and disperses throughout the steel uniformly. For most of the common tool steels, this temperature is around 1475 degrees farenheit. It does vary somewhat from steel to steel, but 1475 is a good all-purpose number for most simple steels and some basic alloys like auto springs, anything in the 10XX steels, the W1 bar I used in this Ulu
project, or even a chromium alloy like O1.
Now most people don't have any thermometers that go that high, and it's certainly not going to happen in the kitchen
oven. You need a forge, a kiln, or an oxy-acetylene torch with a rosebud tip to get a tool sized hunk of steel up to these temperatures. Even if you have the forge, how do you know when you are at the correct temperature? You could get one of those hand-held IR pyrometer thingys. They are somewhat accurate, but to get a good reading, you cannot test the piece while it is in the forge. You have to remove the piece, measure a couple of spots, and either heat it up more or let it cool until it's just right.
Regardless of what the type of tool steel you work with, there is a certain way to tell if it is at the correct temperature. It's called "decalescence/recalescence" and it is a visual phenomenon that occurrs when the carbon goes into solution. Some older smiths call it "chasing the shadow" because there is a visible shadow that moves along the steel. Decalescence is when the steel reaches critical temperature. The steel starts to glow and a black line or shadow moves across the heating surface until the steel is a uniform color. As it cools, the shadow reforms and moves again, but this time the steel behind the shadow heats up again as the carbon rebonds with the iron. This is best seen in very low light, so your forge
should be in a dark place with very little lighting.
This effect can be seen in these two videos:
Recalescence -
Decalescence - this was heated above critical and allowed to cool down to critical temp. You can see the carbon cloud form slightly and then disappear.
A lot of blade smiths will use a baffle tube in the forge. This works like a small oven and keeps the blade out of the direct flame. You can see the effect much easier inside the tube. It's literally a short length of either square or round steel tube that is nestled into the coal forge or shoved into the propane forge with the blade inside. It helps to throw some charcoal into the tube to burn up any excess oxegen in the tube so it doesn't rob the carbon and cause scale buildup.
Barring that, here are a couple of hacks to get you on spot or at least close
enough to get a good hardening.
Steels become non-magnetic around 1425 degrees farenheit. So A little magnet on a string or a piece of wire next to your heating source will tell you when you are getting close. When it goes non magnetic, put it back in the heat and count to 10. Either go for the quench or try and see the decalescence happen.
Table salt melts at 1474 degrees farenheit. If you are using the tube, place a piece of coarse Kosher salt next to the tool or on the handle area of the tool, and when the salt melts, it's time to quench.
Quenching is the act of rapidly cooling the blade from critical temperature down to around 400 degrees F and it needs to happen within about 4-6 seconds to achieve a good hardness. They make engineered oils for this and they come in "fast", "medium" and "slow" speeds. Different steels require a different rate. Some medium speed alloys are O1, D2, and A2. Faster steels are 1095, W1 and W2.
Water or brine is considered a very fast quench. You can achieve a fast quench with plain old Canola oil if it is preheated to around 130 degrees F. It doesn't last as long as the engineered stuff, but unless you are making tools every week, a gallon of Canola oil can lest a year or more. If your tools are small enough, an old paint can works well. Just heat a piece of regular steel up to a bright orange and drop it in the can and cover it. After about a minute, remove the lid and test it with a meat thermometer. It will cool off while you heat the tool up, so get it above 130, and start your process.
After quenching, you can test the hardness with a file. They make hardness files, that will tell you approximately the queched hardness is, but any chainsaw file will work. If the file skates across the steel and will not cut, it's pretty hard.
Hardened steel is quite brittle and can crack just sitting on the shelf due to the internal stresses, so it's best to temper the hardness down ASAP.
Tempering is the act of reheating a hardened piece of steel to relieve the stress and reduce hardness. Depending on the steel type and desired hardenss, this temperature is anywhere from about 250 degrees F to 1000 degrees F. The desired hardness depends on what the tool is and what it is intended to cut. A general purpose camp knife is going to be much harder than a hatchet, but probably not as hard as a skinning knife or a kitchen knife. Tools like punches and drifts are at the low end of the hardness scale and most blacksmiths don't even bother with hardening and tempering any tools that get used on hot steel. Tempering is best done in an oven where you can accurately determine the temperature and hold it for at least two hours. An electric kitchen oven or a simple toaster oven will work but there are a couple of things you really need to do. In a toaster oven get an oven thermometer and test the oven to see where the temp really is. In a larger kitchen oven get two oven thermometers on either side and average the temps. It also helps to take a baking pan (one of those aluminum disposables works well) fill it with sand and bury your tool in the sand. The sand works as a heat sink and the tool will heat evenly.
Hardness is measured on different scales in different industries and parts of the world. In the USA, the most common scale is the Rockwell scale and its usable range is from around 25 to 65 points of hardness. As hardness increases, what we call toughness decreases. Toughness can best be called the pliability response to bending or resiliance of the steel to impact. A Kitchen knife will be really hard and prone to chipping while a hatchet will be really tough and able to take or make blunt force trauma. Harder blades are more difficult to sharpen, but will retain an edge longer than softer blades. Softer blades will take a beating but will need sharpening more often than harder blades. Some tools need more toughness than hardness. Prybars, screwdrivers, cold chisels, etc. fall into the tougher tools.
If you know the steel type you are working with, you can find tempering information
online for what tempering temp you need for the desired hardness level.